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The examples in this section are designed to provide an overview of the use of CalendarSet and the basic commands. The examples are included on your CalendarSet disk, to allow experimentation with the commands and parameters.

These examples use CalendarSet commands to configure the behavior of an object, rather than the Advanced Properties Dialog. You can reduce the programming effort by using the Advanced Properties Dialog. Please read the section Using the Advanced Properties Dialog for more information.

Note: all the examples below, and many others, are available in the CalendarSet Demonstration database.

Example 1 — Create a Simple Calendar

For this example, we will create a simple form containing a single CalendarSet object. When the user clicks on a day, we will put the selected date into a variable called vSelDate.

First we need to create the form and draw the CalendarSet plugin object. We’ll name the object eCalendar.

Our form now looks something like this:

The object method for the CalendarSet object is:

If(Form event=On Clicked)
CS_GetAction (Self->;vAction) 
 If(vAction=CS_Action_ClickOnDay) // clicked on a day 
 End if 
End if 

The form will appear like this in the User or Runtime environment:

Notice that we’ve used the default configuration options, and the only programming required is a couple of commands to detect a click on a day, then determine what day the user has selected.

Example 2 — Display Database Data in a Calendar

Modify the previous example to display information from the [Cal Items] file on the calendar. The file structure for this example is:

The On Load section of the modified object method for the CalendarSet object is:

Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) // Items of type 1 are text items for this demo 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vTextDate;[Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;\ 
   [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont;[Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;vTextStyle;\
   [Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) 
End case 

The CalendarSet object now appears in the User or Runtime environment like this:

Example 3 — Displaying Banners on a Calendar

We’ll change the previous example to also display banner items. We can use the same CalendarSet object we created in the previous examples, and just modify the object method.

CS_SetEventOpts is not used, therefore event selection is disabled (default).

Conversely, CS_SetBanrOpts is not used either but this function defaults its parameters to 1 in this case (AllowBannerSelect, AllowBannerResize): banners are selectable and resizable.

Our new object method is:

Case of

 : (Form event=On Load) 

  // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
  // Items of type 1 are text items

  // Find all of the text items 
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) 
  // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vTextDate;[Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;\ 
   [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont;[Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;vTextStyle;\

   [Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  // Items of type 2 are Banner items 
  // Find all of the Banner items

  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=2) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vBanrDateS;[Cal Items]EndDate;vBanrDateE;\

   [Cal Items]Description;vBanrDesc;[Cal Items]Font;vBanrFont;[Cal Items]Size;vBanrSize;\

   [Cal Items]Style;vBanrStyle;[Cal Items]ForeColor;vBanrColorF;[Cal Items]BackColor;vBanrColorB) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
 :(Form event=On Clicked) 
  CS_GetAction (Self->;vAction) 
  Case of 
   :(vAction=CS_Action_ClickOnDay) // clicked on a day 

   // clicked on a banner (including resize) - events default to non selectable so this is a banner 
    CS_GetEvtSelect (Self->;vEvtType;vIndex) 
    vSelDate:= vBanrDateS{vIndex} // start date of this banner 
 End case 
End case 

Our form now looks like this to the user:

Example 4 — Responding to User Actions

In the previous examples, we’ve gradually added capabilities to the calendar object, so that we can display both text and banner items, and identify the day clicked by a user.

For this example, we’ll implement a vSelected text variable which shows information about the day or days selected.

Here’s the modified object method:

Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  vSelected:="Select one or several day(s) or a banner..." 
  ARRAY LONGINT(vSelItems;0) // index of selected items 
  ARRAY TEXT(vSelText;0) // selected items text 
   // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
   // Items of type 1 are text items 
   // Find all of the text items
   QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) 
   // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vTextDate;[Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;\ 
   [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont;[Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;vTextStyle;\
   [Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  CS_SetArray (Self->;"vTextDate";"vTextDesc";"vTextFont";"vTextSize";"vTextStyle";"vTextColor")
   // Items of type 2 are Banner items
   // Find all of the Banner items 
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=2) // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vBanrDateS;[Cal Items]EndDate;vBanrDateE;\
   [Cal Items]Description;vBanrDesc;[Cal Items]Font;vBanrFont;[Cal Items]Size;vBanrSize;\
   [Cal Items] Style;vBanrStyle;[Cal Items]ForeColor;vBanrColorF;[Cal Items]BackColor;vBanrColorB) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  // Set the options to display entire highlight, allow discontiguous selection, 
  // do not show day number for unused days, display month names and OS first day of the week 
  CS_Options (Self->;CS_Highlight_Cell;CS_DaySelect_Discontiguous;\ 
 : (Form event=On Clicked) 
  CS_GetAction (Self->;vAction) 
  Case of 
   :(vAction=CS_Action_ClickOnDay) // clicked on a day 
     // get an index of the selected items 
    CS_GetSelItems (Self->;CS_Sel_Events;vSelItems) 
     // create an array of the selected items only, using the index 
    FS_ArrayIntrsct (vSelItems;vTextDesc;vSelText) 
    vSelected:=ArrayToText (->vSelText;", ") 
    // clicked on a banner (including resize) - events default to non selectable so this is a banner 
     CS_GetEvtSelect (Self->;vEvtType;vIndex) 
     vSelected:="Banner: "+vBanrDesc{vIndex} // text associated to this banner 
  End case 
End case 

The 4D ArrayToText project method simply concatenates text array items into a text variable:

C_POINTER($1) //->array 
C_TEXT($2) //separator 
C_TEXT($0) //text 
For ($i;1;Size of array($1->)) 
End for
  $0:=Substring($0;1;Length($0)-Length($2)) // remove last separator 

Here is the resulting form:

Example 5 — Dragging Events within a CalendarSet Object

Once again we’ll modify the example, to allow events and banners to be dragged within the CalendarSet area.

Since CalendarSet will automatically update the date arrays for events when they are dragged within an object, we don’t have to handle the user actions (although we could do this if needed).

We use CS_SetDrgSrc and CS_SetDrgDst to restrict event dragging to be within the object.

Here’s the modified object method:

Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  vSelected:="Drag events or banners..."
  // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
   // Items of type 1 are text items
   // Find all of the text items 
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) 
   // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vTextDate;[Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;\ 
   [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont;[Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;\
   vTextStyle;[Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet
  CS_SetArray (Self->;"vTextDate";"vTextDesc";"vTextFont";"vTextSize";"vTextStyle";"vTextColor") 
   // Items of type 2 are Banner items 
   // Find all of the Banner items
   QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=2) 
   // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vBanrDateS;[Cal Items]EndDate;vBanrDateE;\
  [Cal Items]Description;vBanrDesc;[Cal Items]Font;vBanrFont;[Cal Items]Size;vBanrSize;\
  [Cal Items]Style;vBanrStyle;[Cal Items]Forecolor;vBanrColorF;[Cal Items]Backcolor;vBanrColorB) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  CS_SetBanrArray (Self->;"vBanrDateS";"vBanrDateE";"vBanrDesc"; \
  // Set the options to display entire highlight, allow discontiguous selection, 
  // do not show day number for unused days, display month names and OS first day of the week 
  CS_Options (Self->;CS_Highlight_Cell;CS_DaySelect_Discontiguous;\ 
  // enable dragging banners and events to days within this area 
  vAccessCode:="CalendarSetArea"+String(Self->) // allows dragging within this area 
  //make events selectable to enable dragging (see the note to CS_SetDrgSrc) 
  CS_SetDrgSrc (Self->;CS_DragSource_EventBanner;vAccessCode) // source: event or banner 
  CS_SetDrgDst (Self->;CS_DragDestination_Day;vAccessCode) // destination: day 
  : (Form event=On Drop) // could also be CS_Action_Drop from CS_GetAction 
   CS_GetDrgSrcArea (Self->;$SourceArea;$SourceProcessID) // or DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES 
   If ($SourceArea=Self->) // drag within
   CS_GetDrgSrcEvt (Self->;vDataType;vEventIndex;$StartDate) // what was dragged 
    CS_GetDrgDstDay (Self->;$DestDate) // to which day 
    Case of 
    : ($DestDate=!00/00/0000!) // invalid date ("unused day")
    : (vDataType=CS_Type_Event) // only one event can be selected at a time (CS_EventSelect_Single) 
     vSelected:="Event dropped from "+String($StartDate)+" to "+String($DestDate)+": "\ +vTextDesc{vEventIndex} 
    : (vDataType=CS_Type_Banner) // only one banner can be selected at a time 
     vSelected:="Banner dropped from "+String($StartDate)+" to "+String($DestDate)+": "\ 
    End case 
   End if 
End case 

Here is the resulting form:

Example 6 — Dragging Events to another CalendarSet Object on the Same Form

Our previous example only allowed events and banners to be dragged within the CalendarSet area.

Since CalendarSet automatically updates the date arrays for events when they are dragged within an object, we didn’t have to handle the user actions. We’ll extend our example to show how to handle drags between CalendarSet objects on the same form. The two objects are named eCalendar and eOther.

Instead of displaying a message as in the previous example, we will update both calendars once a drop has occurred. When the user drags and drop an event from eCalendar to eOther, we’ll remove that event from eCalendar and “paste” it into the arrays displayed in eOther.

We’ll show both the object method for eCalendar (loading and displaying data) and the destination area eOther (setting an empty calendar on load, then updating both areas after a drop).

// eCalendar (source area) object method 
Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
   // Items of type 1 are text items 
   // Find all of the text items
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) 
  // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vTextDate;[Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;\ 
   [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont;[Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;\
   vTextStyle;[Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet
  CS_SetArray (Self->;"vTextDate";"vTextDesc";"vTextFont";"vTextSize";"vTextStyle";"vTextColor") 
  // Items of type 2 are Banner items 
  // Find all of the Banner items
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=2) 
  // load the arrays with the data 
  SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]StartDate;vBanrDateS;[Cal Items]EndDate;vBanrDateE;\
  [Cal Items]Description;vBanrDesc;[Cal Items]Font;vBanrFont;[Cal Items]Size;vBanrSize;\
  [Cal Items]Style;vBanrStyle;[Cal Items]Forecolor;vBanrColorF;[Cal Items]Backcolor;vBanrColorB) 
  // pass the arrays to CalendarSet 
  CS_SetBanrArray (Self->;"vBanrDateS";"vBanrDateE";"vBanrDesc"; \ 
  // Set the options to display entire highlight, allow discontiguous selection, 
  // do not show day number for unused days, display month names and OS first day of the week 
  CS_Options (Self->;CS_Highlight_Cell;CS_DaySelect_Discontiguous;\ 
  // enable dragging events and banners from this area to days in eOther 
  vAccessCode:="CalendarSetArea"+String(Self->)+"to"+String(eOther) // allows dragging between 
  CS_SetEventOpts(Self->;CS_EventSelect_Single) //make events selectable to enable dragging 
  CS_SetDrgSrc (Self->;CS_DragSource_EventBanner;vAccessCode) // source: event or banner 
  CS_SetDrgDst (eOther;CS_DragDestination_Day;vAccessCode) // destination: day in eOther 
End case
// eOther (destination area) object method 
Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
  // Empty arrays for events and banners 
  ARRAY DATE(vTextDateDes;0) 
  ARRAY TEXT(vTextDescDes;0) 
  ARRAY TEXT(vTextFontDes;0) 
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextSizeDes;0)
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextStyleDes;0)
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextColorDes;0)
  CS_SetArray (Self->;"vTextDateDes";"vTextDescDes";"vTextFontDes";\ 
  ARRAY DATE(vBanrDateSDes;0)
  ARRAY DATE(vBanrDateEDes;0)
  ARRAY TEXT(vBanrDescDes;0) 
  ARRAY TEXT(vBanrFontDes;0) 
  ARRAY INTEGER(vBanrSizeDes;0) 
  ARRAY INTEGER(vBanrStyleDes;0) 
  ARRAY INTEGER(vBanrColorFDes;0) 
  ARRAY INTEGER(vBanrColorBDes;0) 
  // Set the options to display entire highlight, allow discontiguous selection, 
  // do not show day number for unused days, display month names and OS first day of the week 
  CS_SetBanrArray (Self->;"vBanrDateSDes";"vBanrDateEDes";"vBanrDescDes";\ 
 : (Form event=On Drop) // could also be CS_Action_Drop from CS_GetAction 
  CS_GetDrgSrcArea (Self->;$SourceArea;$SourceProcessID) // or DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES 
  If ($SourceArea=eCalendar) // drag from eCalendar
  CS_GetDrgSrcEvt (Self->;vDataType;vEventIndex;$StartDate) // what was dragged 
   CS_GetDrgDstDay (Self->;$DestDate) // to which day 
   Case of // we check that the destination date is within the range set with CS_SetRange
   : ($DestDate=!00/00/0000!) // invalid date ("unused day")
   : (vDataType=CS_Type_Event) // only one event can be selected at a time (CS_EventSelect_Single) 
    //Add to destination
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextDateDes;$DestDate)
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextDescDes;vTextDesc{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextFontDes;vTextFont{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextSizeDes;vTextSize{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextStyleDes;vTextStyle{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextColorDes;vTextColor{vEventIndex}) 
    // Remove from source
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextDate;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextDesc;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextFont;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextSize;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextStyle;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextColor;vEventIndex) 
   : (vDataType=CS_Type_Banner) // only one banner can be selected at a time (default) 
    //Add to destination 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrDateSDes;$DestDate) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrDateEDes;$DestDate+\ 
     (vBanrDateE{vEventIndex}-vBanrDateS{vEventIndex})) //sameduration 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrDescDes;vBanrDesc{vEventIndex})
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrFontDes;vBanrFont{vEventIndex})
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrSizeDes;vBanrSize{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrStyleDes;vBanrStyle{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrColorFDes;vBanrColorF{vEventIndex}) 
    APPEND TO ARRAY(vBanrColorBDes;vBanrColorB{vEventIndex}) 
    // Remove from source
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDateS;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDateE;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDesc;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrFont;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrSize;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrStyle;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrColorF;vEventIndex) 
    DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrColorB;vEventIndex) 
   End case 
   Area_Refresh (eCalendar) 
   Area_Refresh (Self->) 
  End if 
End case 

Here is the resulting form, after dropping a banner and an event:

Example 7 — Dragging Events to a CalendarSet Object on a Different Form

We’ll modify the previous example to show how to handle dragging events to a CalendarSet object on a different form. Instead of the eOther object being on the same form, we’ll put it on a different form (in another process).

We have to use the 4D process communication commands to assist with the implementation. When we detect a drop from eCalendar to eOther, our eOther object method will update the arrays.

// eCalendar (source area) object method 
Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  // we’ll not show the standard setup stuff, and just show the dragging-specific code 
  // store both process numbers in interprocess variables for process communication 
  <>DragDemo:=Current process 
  // display the other form in its own process
  <>DragDemo2:=New process("Example";0;"Other process";"7 Other") 
  // enable dragging events and banners from this area to days in eOther
  CS_SetEventOpts (Self->;CS_EventSelect_Single) // make events selectable to enable dragging 
  CS_SetDrgSrc (Self->;CS_DragSource_EventBanner;vAccessCode) // source: event or banner 
  // destination is set in the other process (eOther object method) 
End case 
// eOther object method 
Case of 
 : (Form event=On Load)
 // we’ll not show the standard setup stuff, and just show the dragging-specific code 
  CS_SetDrgDst(eOther;CS_DragDestination_Day;vAccessCode) //destination:day 
 : (Form event=On Drop) // could also be CS_Action_Drop from CS_GetAction 
  CS_GetDrgSrcArea (Self->;$SourceArea;$SourceProcessID) // or DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES 
  If ($SourceProcessID=<>DragDemo) // drag from eCalendar in the source process 
   CS_GetDrgSrcEvt (Self->;vDataType;vEventIndex;$StartDate) // what was dragged 
   CS_GetDrgDstDay (Self->;$DestDate) // to which day
   If ($DestDate#!00/00/0000!) // valid date (not "unused day") 
    C_LONGINT($Size) // new array size 
    Case of 
     : (vDataType=CS_Type_Event)
     // only one event can be selected at a time (CS_EventSelect_Single) 
       //Add to destination
       APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextDateDes;$DestDate) 
      $Size:=Size of array(vTextDateDes) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextDescDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextDesc{vEventIndex};vTextDescDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextFontDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextFont{vEventIndex};vTextFontDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextSizeDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextSize{vEventIndex};vTextSizeDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextStyleDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextStyle{vEventIndex};vTextStyleDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextColorDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextColor{vEventIndex};vTextColorDes{$Size}) 
     : (vDataType=CS_Type_Banner) // only one banner can be selected at a time (default) 
      //Add to destination 
      $Size:=Size of array(vBanrDateEDes)+1 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrDateSDes;$Size;1) 
      // temporary report (source start date)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrDateS{vEventIndex};vBanrDateSDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrDateEDes;$Size;1) 
      // temporary report (source end date)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrDateE{vEventIndex};vBanrDateEDes{$Size}) 
      // Real dates according to the original duration 
      vBanrDateSDes{$Size}) vBanrDateSDes{$Size}:=$DestDate 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrDescDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrDesc{vEventIndex};vBanrDescDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrFontDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrFont{vEventIndex};vBanrFontDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrSizeDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrSize{vEventIndex};vBanrSizeDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrStyleDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrStyle{vEventIndex};vBanrStyleDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrColorFDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrColorF{vEventIndex};vBanrColorFDes{$Size}) 
      INSERT IN ARRAY(vBanrColorBDes;$Size;1)
      GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vBanrColorB{vEventIndex};vBanrColorBDes{$Size}) 
  End case 
  // Inform source: item to remove (index, type)
  VARIABLE TO VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vEventIndex;vEventIndex;vDataType;vDataType) 
  CALL PROCESS(<>DragDemo) 
  Area_Refresh (Self->) 
  End if // valid date
  End if //$SourceProcessID=<>DragDemo 
End case 
// Destination form method (On Outside Call event) 
// eOther is calling: remove dragged item 
Case of // playing safe
 : (vEventIndex<1)
 : (vEventIndex>Size of array(vTextDate)) 
 : (vDataType=CS_Type_Event)
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextDate;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextDesc;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextFont;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextSize;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextStyle;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextColor;vEventIndex) 
 : (vDataType=CS_Type_Banner)
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDateS;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDateE;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrDesc;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrFont;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrSize;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrStyle;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrColorF;vEventIndex) 
  DELETE FROM ARRAY(vBanrColorB;vEventIndex) 
End case 
Area_Refresh (eCalendar) 

Here are the resulting forms, after dropping a banner and an event:

Example 8 — Dragging from AreaList Pro to CalendarSet

This is an example of dragging a row from an AreaList Pro list row in one process to a CalendarSet object in another process to create an event.

In this example we will also display event times.

We use the vEventIndex variable as a communication “token” between the two processes:

  • When a drop is received, destination (CalendarSet) process sends vEventIndex=-1 to source (AreaList Pro) process, meaning “send me the index number of the row that was dragged”. 

  • Source process assigns the index value to vEventIndex for destination process to read. 

  • Destination process updates the CalendarSet area, then sends vEventIndex=-2 to source process, meaning 
“delete the selected row”. 

This is one of many tricks that can be used for this kind of process communication. 

First, the object method of the AreaList Pro (source) area (On Load event): 

// load events 
  QUERY([Cal Items];[Cal Items]ItemType=1) 
SELECTION TO ARRAY([Cal Items]Description;vTextDesc;[Cal Items]Time;vTextTime;\ 
 [Cal Items]Font;vTextFont; [Cal Items]Size;vTextSize;[Cal Items]Style;vTextStyle;\ 
 [Cal Items]ForeColor;vTextColor) 
// column setup (array mode) 
  $error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextDesc) 
$error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextTime) 
$error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextFont) 
$error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextSize) 
$error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextStyle) 
$error:=AL_AddColumn (Self->;->vTextColor) 
// column headers
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;1;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Description") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;2;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Time") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;3;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Font") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;4;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Size") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;5;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Style") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;6;ALP_Column_HeaderText;"Color") 
// formatting
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;2;ALP_Column_Format;"&/105") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;4;ALP_Column_Format;"##0") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;5;ALP_Column_Format;"##0") 
AL_SetColumnTextProperty (Self->;6;ALP_Column_Format;"##0") 
// make it nicer
AL_SetAreaLongProperty (Self->;ALP_Area_AutoResizeColumn;1) // autoresize columns 1 
AL_SetAreaLongProperty (Self->;ALP_Area_AltRowOptions;1) // alternate row color 
AL_SetAreaLongProperty (Self->;ALP_Area_RowIndentH;10) // row indent (horizontal padding) 
// store both process numbers in interprocess variables for process communication 
<>DragDemo:=Current process 
// display the other form in its own process
<>DragDemo2:=New process("Example";0;"Other process";"8 Other") 
// enable dragging rows from this AreaList Pro area to days in eOther CalendarSet area 
AL_SetAreaTextProperty (Self->;ALP_Area_DragSrcRowCodes;vAccessCode) 
// area has been made draggable
// destination (CalendarSet area) is set in the other process (eOther object method) 

Next, the object method of the CalendarSet object in the destination form:

Case of
 : (Form event=On Load) 
  GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;eALP;eALP) // source area reference 
  // set the range of the calendar to be Feb 2015 
  // Empty arrays for events
  ARRAY DATE(vTextDateDes;0)
  ARRAY LONGINT(vTextTimeDes;0)
  ARRAY TEXT(vTextDescDes;0)
  ARRAY TEXT(vTextFontDes;0)
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextSizeDes;0)
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextStyleDes;0)
  ARRAY INTEGER(vTextColorDes;0)
  CS_SetArray (Self->;"vTextDateDes";"vTextDescDes";"vTextFontDes";\ 
  // show times 
  // Set the options to display entire highlight, allow discontiguous selection, 
  // do not show day number for unused days, display month names and OS first day of the week 
  CS_Options (Self->;CS_Highlight_Cell;CS_DaySelect_Discontiguous;\ 
  // enable dragging events to days in this area from the source AreaList Pro area 
  CS_SetDrgDst (Self->;CS_DragDestination_Day;vAccessCode) // destination: day 
 : (Form event=On Drop) // could also be CS_Action_Drop from CS_GetAction 
  CS_GetDrgSrcArea (Self->;$SourceArea;$SourceProcessID) // or DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES 
  If ($SourceArea=-eALP) // drag from eALP in the source process (value is negative) 
   CS_GetDrgDstDay (Self->;$DestDate) // to which day
   If ($DestDate#!00/00/0000!) // valid date (not "unused day") 
   // Get information from source
   vEventIndex:=-1 // ask eALP process for selected row
   VARIABLE TO VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vEventIndex;vEventIndex) 
   CALL PROCESS(<>DragDemo)
   While (vEventIndex=-1) // wait for returned value 
    GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vEventIndex;vEventIndex) // index of selected row 
   End while 
   C_LONGINT($Size) // new array size 
   APPEND TO ARRAY(vTextDateDes;$DestDate)
   $Size:=Size of array(vTextDateDes)
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextDescDes;$Size;1)
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextDesc{vEventIndex};vTextDescDes{$Size}) 
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextTimeDes;$Size;1) 
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextTime{vEventIndex};vTextTimeDes{$Size}) 
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextFontDes;$Size;1)
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextFont{vEventIndex};vTextFontDes{$Size}) 
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextSizeDes;$Size;1) 
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextSize{vEventIndex};vTextSizeDes{$Size}) 
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextStyleDes;$Size;1)
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextStyle{vEventIndex};vTextStyleDes{$Size}) 
   INSERT IN ARRAY(vTextColorDes;$Size;1) 
   GET PROCESS VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vTextColor{vEventIndex};vTextColorDes{$Size}) 
  // Inform source: item to remove
  vEventIndex:=-2 // ask eALP process to delete selected row 
  VARIABLE TO VARIABLE(<>DragDemo;vEventIndex;vEventIndex) 
  CALL PROCESS(<>DragDemo) 
  Area_Refresh (Self->) 
  End if // valid date
 End if //$SourceProcessID=-eALP 
End case 

The process communication stuff is managed by the source form method (Outside Call event) in response to the destination area calls:

Case of 
 : (vEventIndex=-1) // after a drag and drop: get selected row 
  vEventIndex:=AL_GetAreaLongProperty (eALP;ALP_Area_SelRow) // selected row 
 : (vEventIndex=-2) // delete row
 vEventIndex:=AL_GetAreaLongProperty (eALP;ALP_Area_SelRow) // selected row 
  Case of // playing safe
  : (vEventIndex<1)
  : (vEventIndex>Size of array(vTextDesc)) 
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextDesc;vEventIndex) 
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextTime;vEventIndex)
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextFont;vEventIndex) 
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextSize;vEventIndex) 
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextStyle;vEventIndex) 
   DELETE FROM ARRAY(vTextColor;vEventIndex) 
  End case 
 AL_SetAreaLongProperty (eALP;ALP_Area_UpdateData;0) // refresh area
End case 

Here are the resulting forms, after dropping a few events:

calendarset_examples.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/11 17:46 by cs_admin