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property constant can read can write persi
type defaultmin max usage
CS_Area_CallbackMethOnEventtext Event callback function
Called as: Handler (area; csEvt)
CS_Area_CSEvent int Last CS event
0 = none
1 = dayClick
2 = areaClosed
3 = eventClick
4 = eventDrag
5 = bannerResize
7 = eventDrop
8 = allowDrop
9 = eventResize
10 = allDayClick
11 = dayHdrClick
12 = yearHdrClick
13 = dragNewEvent
14 = deleteEvent
15 = bannerCreated
16 = eventCreated
CS_Area_DoubleClick bool Last click is double click
CS_Area_Event int Kind of event
1 = mouse down
3 = key down
5 = auto key
18 = mouse moved
21 = select
22 = deselect
25 = scroll
30 = Undo
31 = Cut
32 = Copy
33 = Paste
34 = Clear
35 = Select all
36 = Redo
39 = mouse wheel
CS_Area_EventChar text Char (string) from keyboard
CS_Area_EventKey text Key code
CS_Area_EventModifiers int Event modifiers
256 = command
512 = shift
1024 = caps lock
2048 = option
4096 = control
CS_Area_EventMouseDownModifiers int State of the key modifiers (control/option/command/shift/caps-lock) as it was at mouse down event
Due to the asynchronous mouse handling, CS_Area_EventMouseModifiers can differ from CS_Area_EventMouseDownModifiers, especially when using right-click (which synthesizes control key at mouse down)
CS_Area_EventPosH int Horizontal mouse position
CS_Area_EventPosV int Vertical mouse position
CS_Area_SendEvent int Set custom event and execute the object method
CS_Area_CSEvent will contain this event, CS_Area_Event will be 0
Use e.g. -100 to not confuse own code with regular CS event codes“
Usable in subforms to CALL SUBFORM CONTAINER
ui_event_area_properties.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/17 17:35 by cs_admin